Saturday, January 19, 2019

microsoft table and images jan 29 and 31

Front of assignment sheet

Use back side for more room and continued use

Be sure to fill in every blank correctly. Even if you do not spend any time on an assignments, write in 0 (zero). This will not count against you. What will count against you is leaving a blank empty.

Daily procedures
1. Get assignment sheet and write today's assignment
2.When I am giving instructions, 
be in a seat
3. When I am giving instructions, electronic devices should be invisible
4. Do not interfere with instructions
or disrupt class 
5. Turn in your assignment sheet at the end of class

Computers & electronic devices are for classwork only

Feb 1 is last day to makeup work

Do Today:

Evaluate Stevie

some of our assignments

Makeup work if needed. Feb 1

is the last day for any makeup work

Microsoft word tutorial |How to insert images into word document table

Complete or makeup safety exams

The F3 key, for looking at multiple documents

Find 3 movie poster designs you like.
Sketch them or put them in your documents folder to show me later.

Take photo for poster

17) Create and format for optimal clarity a variety of types of graphs and charts, including bar charts, line charts, pie charts, and X-Y graphs, based on tabulated data. (TN Reading 3, 4, 7; Writing 4, 5, 6; TN Math N-Q, S-ID21) Using an existing database (found in teaching resources or teacher-created), create, modify, and perform basic queries through a form to create a new table/view in a database. 

Assignment directions:

Watch and follow the tutorial with a partner.

Microsoft word tutorial |How to insert images into word document table.

Save this into your documents folder on your computer, or (preferably) into a Google Drive folder titled "Your Name_Portfolio"


You will create a movie poster, starring you? or someone you photograph. 

Your grade:
4_advanced_93-100 points. A strong amount of work has been completed. All instructions & specifications met. A comprehensive and wide-ranging exploration of visual qualities, the representation of ideas, media experiments, and technical practice is demonstrated. The work reflects superior thought and imagination.

3_proficient_85-92 points. A reasonable amount of work has been completed. Most instructions and specifications met. The work illustrates satisfactory exploration of visual qualities, and the representation of ideas. There is satisfactory evidence of work on images, media experiments, and technical practice.

2_basic_75-84 points. A small amount of work has been completed. Some instructions and specifications met. The work illustrates some exploration of visual qualities, the representation of ideas. There is some evidence of work on images, media experiments and technical practice.

1_below basic_74 and below. A less than adequate amount of work has been completed. There is little evidence of work on images, media, and technical practice.

0_No work attempted

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